3 Fitness Mistakes you could be making…

We all make mistakes, but the ones you could be making right now could be keeping you from getting the fitness results you desire.  Below are a few major mistakes you could be making that could help you get over the proverbial hump.

3# - You aren’t working as hard as you think you are.

The body only gets stronger if it is stressed enough to cause muscle damage.  Once the body is damaged, the body can repair itself. Cardiovascular strength also works the same way.  This means if you don’t tax your body it will regress. 

#2 - You lack a realistic plan. 

Most people have no idea what a realistic fitness plan looks or feels like.  How much work is needed, dietary needs, rest recommendations, plan structure ect. are all things that people get wrong all of the time.  Most folks don’t know how to organize a plan or make adjustments to ensure success.  Now that’s not a knock, there is just a lot to know. 

#1 - You don’t have an accountability partner. 

A trainer, a friend, or App can keep and hold you accountable for the work and consistency.  Not everyone can be self motivated to put themselves through tough workouts week in and week out.  The relationships that you establish through challenges can help you attain your goals in a healthy and enjoyable way.  If your schedule won’t allow for a workout buddy, finding an App that works the same way your brain works is probably more important.  A human being will take the path of least resistance.  So making it harder to skip the workout than doing will work to your benefit. 


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